Exoplanets. Two teams of scientists have taken pictures of 4 planets outside of our solar system, 3 orbitting the same star, and a 4th orbitting a different star. Lead scientist of one team, Bruce Macintosh said "[It's only a matter of time] before we get a dot that's blue and Earthlike...It is a step on that road to understand if there are other planets like Earth and potentially life out there."
Apparently Mr. Macintosh's list of credentials do not include reading this blog. Planets do not have to be earthlike to sustain life, broham. They have to be earthlike to sustain the carbon-based, consuming life forms that we understand. There are strange forms of life on other planes of existance that we can't understand on our own planet, like 'ghosts,' (that we say are disembodied spirits of dead humans, because we have no other explanation,) so you've almost got to be as narrow minded as the people who say there isn't life out there, to say alien life will be like us.
Ghosts on Jupiter, fam. Write that shit down, Mr. Macintosh.
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