Well the grammy nominations have been released, and we're gonna go over the categories and i'm gonna predict the winners.
PSYCH. I don't watch the fucking Grammy's or give a fuck about them. ODB rushing the stage and letting the world know how ILL his suit was is the only good thing to ever come from them. I don't know who the board actually consists of, but lets be real. I'm the only critic who's criticism has ever mattered and I've got my own fucking awards show. It's called the ARGH'S. And when you win, you get a Platinum Axe that you've got to use on a bitch ass dude's head, otherwise you're stripped of your ARGH.
Nobody's ever been stripped of an ARGH though, because everybody who's ever won wouldn't think twice about beheading a bitch ass dude.
Past winners include me, that bear who mauled that one chick, and Jay-Z.
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